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Local Giving

At Cornerstone Credit Union, we are committed to supporting programs and not-for-profit organizations that make a positive impact in the communities we serve. Since 1999, the employees of CCU have invested over $112,778 through The United Way Workplace Campaign, helping to fund  Partner Agencies and programming in Stephenson, Jo Daviess and Carroll counties. In addition to what we do corporately, CCU has a dedicated Community Relations Committee, CRC, made up of staff volunteers.

Sights and Sounds - Sterling

Sterling Branch was at Santa's Workshop, helping children make ornaments at the Annual Sights and Sounds Christmas Event on December 6, 2024.


South Beloit Community Action

On behalf of Cornerstone Credit Union's Community Relations Committee, Mel C and Abi V presented a check to Community Action's Executive Director, Marc Perry.  They have several programs available to create pathways out of poverty. 12-17-2024-Community-Action.jpg

South Beloit High School: Post-Secondary Career Night

Miriam Martinez Garcia, Cornersone's Bilingual Member Service Representative, spoke to South Beloit High School students about different careers that the credit union can offer and gave away cool swag!

Sterling - Taste of Fiesta

CCU sponsored the Taste of Fiesta in Sterling on September 7th. Branch Manager Melissa Rippy and Alma Zaragoza gave away prizes and coloring pages. They also talked to families about youth savings account promotions.

South Beloit - Community Fire & Drum Circle

CCU sponsored the Community Fire & Drum Circle for Nature at the Confluence held on August 16th. Branch Manager Mel Cruz and Paul Harris attended the event where participants were able to play drums, enjoy the fire, listen to music, and make smores.


South Beloit - National Night Out 

National Night out is an event that brings the community together with their local police and fire departments.  Cornerstone Credit Union volunteered to serve the locals food and refreshments.  Cornerstone CU presented the check to South Beloit Police Department on Tuesday, August 6th. 

Pictured: Mel Cruz, South Beloit Branch Manager, Gail Clore, President and South Beloit Police Chief Adam Truman

Rockton Roscoe Rotary Annual Rib Fest

July 20, 2024 was the Annual Rib Fest.  Shirland Fire Department took home the aware for best ribs!  
Valerie Anderson was the $25 Gift Card recipient to Prairie Hill Meats.  
Thank you to all our Cornerstone Credit Union volunteers that helped make this event one of a kind. 

Pictured: $25 Gift Card Recipient - Valerie Anderson and CCU Employee - Paul Harris
Pictured: Rotary Member, South Beloit Branch Manager - Mel Cruz, Abi Vivas and Julianne Johnson

Alan Wenzel Recognition

In recognition of Alan's 20 years of dedicated service and selfless contributions to the Cornerstone Credit Union, the Board of Directors honors you upon your retirement as a Credit Union Committee Volunteer.

We thank you for your service as a Credit Union Committee Volunteer, serving on the Supervisory Committee from 2004 - 2024.  Supervisory Chairperson from 2006 - 2015.

Pictured: Scott Arnold, David Hoffert, Alan Wenzel and Jim Coons

Rockton River Market

CCU's South Beloit Branch Manager, Mel Cruz and our Human Resources Manager, Juli Johnson were able to attend the Rockton River Market on July 3rd.  Attendees could spin the Wheel of Fun to receive some Cornerstone swag and hear about becoming a member. 

South Beloit Public Library - Youth Financial Literacy Visit 

Julia Berglund volunteered her time as a guest reader at South Beloit Public Library this week! They read children’s books on money management and made our their own piggy banks. Our guests receieved Cornerstone goody bags and Youth Month Coupon slips to bring home after a fun day. 


Women of Achievement 
CCU's very own Melissa Rippy and Barb Ainsworth attended the Women of Achievement luncheon in Sterling. Barb came out as the evening winner with 4 Cubs tickets in the Catalina Suite for a raffle! 


Randy Church Recognition
In recognition of Randy’s six years of dedicated service and selfless contributions to the Cornerstone Credit Union, the Board of Directors honors you upon your retirement as a Credit Union Director.

We thank you for your tenure as a Credit Union Board of Director 2013 – 2024, serving as Supervisory Committee Chair 2022 – 2024, Supervisory Committee Member 2018 - 2024, Facilities Committee 2019 - 2021, two years on Scholarship Committee, and One on ALIM Committee.


Pictured: Amy Skow, Randy Church and Jim Coons

2024 Annual Meeting
Meeting held at Freeport Brand on 3/16/2024. 


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Stateline Boys & Girls Club Donation

On behalf of Cornerstone’s Community Relations Committee, South Beloit Branch Manager, Melodie Cruz, and Human Resource Manager, Juli Johnson, were happy to present a $2,500 donation check to @Stateline Boys and Girls Club’s (SBGC) CEO, Mark Rand. The SBGC is a valued community partner making a difference in the Stateline area, providing programs to help local youth develop into confident, capable, responsible adults. https://statelinebgc.org


Stateline Chamber Awards Gala

Melodie and Abi were proud to represent Cornerstone Credit Union as the dessert sponsor at the Stateline Chamber Awards Gala this year.

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Family Promise of Beloit Donations

CCU's staff and members were able to respond to a need of one of our non-profit sponsors, Family Promise of Beloit. Our team was happy to help supply the diapers and bathroom supplies needed! A big thank you to Melodie and Lupita for representing the Cornerstone Team.

Stateline Boys and Girls Club - Champion of Youth Award

South Beloit Branch Manager, Mel Cruz was awarded the Champion of Youth Award for her passion, hard work and dedication while serving on the Board of Stateline Boys and Girls Club. 


Christmas Sights & Sounds

Jami Castaneda was the winner of Christmas Sights & Sounds drawing.  She won a gift certificate from Golden Key.  Congratulations!

Sterling Christmas Walk

CCU Sterling Branch participated in Santa's Workshop at the downtown Christmas Walk on December 1, 2023. Our Christmas Elves helped children color ornaments and everyone got to take home a goody bag. 


Nature of Confluence - Annual Tree Lighting Event

CCU South Beloit Branch had the opportunity to sponsor Nature of Confluence - Annual Tree Lighting" Event.  Thank you South Beloit Branch for helping brighten up the Holidays!

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Salvation Army Angel Tree 2023

Thank you to our members and staff for helping to fulfill the wishes of local children during this Christmas season. Every tag on our Salvation Army Angel Tree was realized, allowing children in need to experience the joy of a gift on Christmas morning. Happy Holidays to all!



Meals and Wheels of Beloit

Cornerstone Credit Union's Employees Paul H and Julia B presented a check to Meals and Wheels of Beloit.
Pictured: "D", Volunteer Coordinator, Ellen Weigand, Executive Director and Amy Mumm, Program Manager. 


9th Annual WREX Food Drive.

Cornerstone CU had the opportunity to host the 9th annual Freeport Food Drive.  Thank you to WREX and the FACC for letting us open our Branch to the community to pack our facility with non-perishable food items.  The amount of items donated was overwhelming and big shout out to Freeport for making it happen. 


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