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Auto, Home and Personal Loans

Used Vehicles (2017-2020)

Older Model Used Cars, Trucks & Vans (2017-2020) 

Model Year Term Minimum Loan Amt APR** as low as2 Payment3
2016-2019 48 Months $7500.00 8.25%4 $184.00
  60 Months $7500.00 8.25%4 $152.08
  72 Months $7500.00 8.50% $133.36
2010-2015 48 Months $5,000 8.25%4 $122.67
  60 Months $5,000 8.50% $102.60

2 Rate available to highly qualified members.
3 Payments based on minimum loan amounts.
4 ONLY if loan set up with ACH/Auto Pay and e-Statements
Existing loans financed by CCU do not apply.

Classic Cars

Term APR** as low as2 Payment3
Please call for loan advances & terms 14.50% $235.33

2 Rate available to highly qualified members. Other rates and terms may apply.
3 Payments based on $10,000 loan for 60 months.